EVE BALDRY | Front-End Web Developer


black and white photo of portrait of Eve Baldry

I'm Eve, a front-end developer who enjoys building creative and interactive user interfaces. With a background in art and a passion for UI/UX design, my aim is to integrate my skills in communication and creativity into dynamic front-end projects. I also love working with others and collaborating on projects. When I'm not coding I enjoy spending time in the outdoors, hiking and running. I also love painting and crafting, especially collage.


My main skills involve using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React. I also have experience using Bootstrap, Sass, Git and Adobe XD.

You can see some of my projects below, with the option to view the code and see live project versions.



screenshot of sunglasses e-commerce website

I created this website using HTML5, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. Users can navigate the site and browse the online shop. There is the opportunity to add to cart and remove products from their shopping cart as well as being able to update quantities and 'purchase' items with an alert message.


screenshot of Tea and Cake Tearooms app

I created this interface using React in Create React App with Framer Motion. Users can navigate the site, 'order' products, 'reserve' a table, and 'contact' a member of the team via email.


screenshot of a one-player word association game with cards and hints

This is a one-player Word Associations Game built with HTML, CSS and vanilla JavaScript.


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to fill out the form with your message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also view my LinkedIn and GitHub profiles by clicking on the icons down below.